Your Photographers

We are Adam and Cara Langdon.

We met in 2002, became best friends in 2004, started dating in 2005, and got married in 2006.

We love to take photos and tend to take our cameras EVERYWHERE.
Our family and friends might say it can be a little annoying,
but they always seem to ask for prints.  Hmmmm...

Adam is a jack of all trades and is possibly the most creative, talented,
and relaxed person you will ever meet.  [Can you tell Cara is writing this?]
Really though, he is.  Cara is a perfectionist and tends to like precision,
organization, and planning.  We think this makes us a great team.

We like food... a lot.  We tend to plan our trips around it, 
especially when it involves pizza, pancakes, or home cooking.

Adam likes to write and record music. 
Cara likes to listen to it.

We often get caught wearing matching clothes,
though we have never done this intentionally.

We both enjoy long walks, playing soccer, the color green, writing,
root beer floats, laughing, meeting new people, watching movies, and
hanging out with our families and friends.  One day we hope to write a novel
together.  It might include all of the aforementioned activities and interests.

We love the Lord, and we truly believe we are serving Him by serving you.

Enough about us.  Now tell us about YOU!